
Four Important Announcements Regarding the SSERVI CAN

12 Feb 2013

This article contains four important announcements regarding the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Cooperative Agreement Notice: we present new text, a FAQ, a Pre-proposal Briefing, and a request for...

NSO Observing Proposal Deadline February 15

6 Feb 2013

The current deadline for submitting observing proposals to the National Solar Observatory is 15 February 2013 for the second quarter of 2013. Information is available from the NSO Telescope Allocation Committee at P.O...

Brouwer Award Nominations Deadline Extended!

6 Feb 2013

The Dirk Brouwer Award was established to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of Dynamical Astronomy, including celestial mechanics, astrometry, geophysics, stellar systems, galactic and extra galactic...

Invitation to Participate in an AAVSO Survey

6 Feb 2013

The American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) invites your participation in our "Professional Astronomer Survey of 2013." Your opinions and comments about the AAVSO's data offerings, services, software, and...

JWST Resources from AAS 221

1 Feb 2013

The James Webb Space Telescope project continued to make solid progress in 2012.  Several of the key mission milestones were completed this past year, and the telescope is on track for an October 2018 launch. The JWST...

AAS Website Soft Launch - We're Excited!

8 Feb 2013

The AAS is pleased to announce the "soft-launch" of our new website and member communication system, which represents the culmination of very large amount of work by members of the AAS staff and external contractors over...

Honored Elsewhere

30 January 2013

AAS members among New Class of AAAS Fellows
In October 2012, the AAAS Council elected 701 members as Fellows of AAAS. These individuals will be recognized for their contributions to science and technology at the Fellows...

ACS-PHYS Division

30 Jan 2013

We are pleased to announce that at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia, the ACS-PHYS division established a new Astrochemistry Subdivision.  Astrochemistry is the study of the abundances...

From the Executive Office

29 Jan 2013

The Long Beach meeting is underway as I write this column (during a break between sessions). Roughly 2500 people attended the meeting and judging by the hoarse voices and happy grins mid-week, most valued the opportunity...

President's Column

28 Jan 2013

As I noted in my opening remarks at the 221st meeting of the Society in Long Beach, the state of the AAS — unlike that of the nation — is strong. We ended the year with a small positive balance in the Society's account...

2013 AAS Prize Winners

23 Jan 2013
At its 221st semiannual meeting two weeks ago in Long Beach, California, the AAS named the recipients of its 2013 prizes for achievements in research, instrument development, education, and writing.

Member Deaths

23 Jan 2013

The Society is saddened to learn of the deaths of the following members, former members, and affiliate members:

Bertram D. Donn
John Galt 
Robert Hobbs
Arthur Page
Stephan D. Price

Council Actions AAS 221

23 Jan 2013

 The following actions were taken by the AAS Council at their January 2013 meeting in Long Beach, California.

  1. Accepted 2013 Prize awards from the various AAS Prize Committees
  2. Approved the Minutes of the 220th Meeting ...