Tenure and Tenure-track Faculty Positions
Permanent (or leading to a permanent) position at a university or college. Includes teaching responsibility.
Title Institution Location(s) Posted Deadline
Director for Science European Southern Observatory
  • Garching near Munich

2024/04/15 2024/06/07
Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships
Typically located at a university, college or government lab. Allows recipient to pursue independent research or research support for a specific science program defined by the employer. Is limited to a pre-determined period of time. Usually does not include teaching responsibilities.
Title Institution Location(s) Posted Deadline
Division Director National Science Foundation
  • Alexandria, VA
    United States

2024/05/19 2024/06/24
NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships - Application Deadline July 1, 2024 NASA 2024/05/01 2024/07/01
Post-doctoral research assistant for VLTI/GRAVITY data exploitation on the Galactic Center in Paris Observatory Observatoire de Paris, LESIA
  • Meudon

2024/04/25 2024/06/01
Scientific support of the "Open Data in Astronomy" project at the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (CDS). Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg
  • Strasbourg

2024/04/19 2024/05/27
Postdoctoral Positions in Astronomy at the Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Kunming Shi
    Yunnan Sheng,

2024/04/09 2024/06/30
Science Management
Runs projects and programs at universities, government or private industry. Open-ended employment.
Title Institution Location(s) Posted Deadline
Array and Operations Performance Group Manager National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • San Pedro de Atacama

2024/05/11 2024/06/14
Director of the Astrophysics Cross-Observatory Science Support (ACROSS) initiative NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Greenbelt, MD
    United States

2024/05/02 2024/06/30
Science Engineering
Instrument design and development, software development, IT system support, and other project related responsibilities. Open-ended duration of employment.
Title Institution Location(s) Posted Deadline
Lead Build Engineer AURA/Vera C. Rubin Observatory
  • Tucson, AZ
    United States

2024/05/06 2024/05/17
Senior Software Engineer (EPO Technical Lead) AURA/Vera C. Rubin Observatory
  • Tucson, AZ
    United States

2024/05/06 2024/05/17
Scientific / Technical Staff
Includes researchers at science centers, government labs, university, or private industry. May include both user support or project related work and time for individual research. Open-ended duration of employment. Usually does not include teaching. May or may not require PhD.
Title Institution Location(s) Posted Deadline
SALT Astronomer South African Astronomical Observatory
  • Cape Town
    South Africa

2024/05/03 2024/05/31
LISA Precision Measurement Scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Greenbelt, MD
    United States

2024/04/16 2024/05/31
Astronomer-Department of Science Operations National Radio Astronomy Observatory
  • San Pedro de Atacama

2024/04/10 2024/06/14